On the note of the demised, a funeral order of service is sent to the mourners, letting them know of the ceremony arranged at the funeral on a certain day. Different people systematize this funeral ceremony in diverse forms. Some keep it quite personal by engaging only the close relatives whereas some allow the friends and colleagues to the ceremony to say a few words on the demised.
Mostly, the funerals arranged with ceremonies back-to-back craft a funeral order of service to make sure the morning rituals go without any haste. As the funeral day is sensitive to the family person, be careful with inviting people and with the social gathering and the same rule goes with the funeral order of service as well. The reading of hymns, poems, songs, and prayers conglomerated in a funeral order of service must be timed, so people know the ceremony well enough. We know you do not want people to ask each other what to happen next on such a day. It is no doubt weird to look and to ask.
Funeral Order of Service can be created from scratch keeping all the details in mind, or one can use a free Funeral Order of Service Template to make sure every point is checked.
Table of Contents
What is the Funeral Order of Service?
A funeral order of service is a leaflet or a pamphlet listing down the ceremonies arranged on the day and given out to the people asked to attend the funeral of a demised.
This order of service presents detailed information regarding the ceremonies and the rituals arranged by the family members of the demised. Information such as the name of the demised, date of birth and the date of expiry, place of funeral, time of prayer reading, recitals, obituary reading, and other items that are going to be held on the particular date.
Funeral Order of Service Template
Sample Funeral Order of Service For Green Burial Procession
Printable Funeral Order of Service Template
Funeral Program Layout with Funeral Order of Service Template Sample
Is it Essential to Craft a Funeral Order of Service?
The answer to this question is quite debatable and hence let’s put it out with some valid reasons. When the customs and the rituals arranged by the family members on the day of the funeral is lengthy, funeral order of service is expected as it lines down the rituals one after the other that makes the attendees aware of the customs and they do not end up asking each other at the middle of a prayer reading.
But in case the funeral ceremony is kept short and quite personal, you might not require a funeral order of service. Since the major objective of drafting a funeral order of service is to operate the ceremony smoothly, it is to be crafted only when the traditions are long-drawn and there is a possibility of mistake.
The Funeral Serive Note Sample Template
Funeral Program Template
Why Should you Craft a Funeral Order of Service?
Understand, the day of the funeral is sensitive and hence to be handled carefully. The crafting of funeral order of service is one of the processes that you invest your time in, to let the day go smoothly without any unnecessary interruptions. So here is why you should craft a Funeral order of service-
1. To invite the guests to the funeral through a funeral order of service.
2. The leaflet is information provided to the guest about the ceremony to be held.
3. Each attendee at the funeral is clear about the customs and hence they would appear as per their convenience.
4. With the order of service, each person present including the venue manager, knows what to do next.
5. The funeral order of service remains as a good memory of the deceased.
Funeral Program Templates |
Order of service funeral examples |
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What to Include in a Funeral Order of Service?
Get a clear idea of what should be incorporated in a Funeral order of service, so it becomes practical and productive. So while you craft the order of service templates, do not forget to include-
- Name of the departed.
- Photo of the deceased.
- Date of birth.
- Date of death.
- Location of the funeral.
- Name of the rituals.
- Schedule of the rituals.
- Past pictures depicting beautiful memories.
- Quotations.
- Poems.
- Mention the donations if done by the deceased.
- Last wish of the deceased.
- Funeral note.
In general, these are the following things we see in a Funeral order of service templates, the rest case is upon the user. Add in some more details but be mindful of the words and terms you utilize in the funeral order of service.
The rituals that will be organized in a Funeral are-
- Musical procession.
- Funeral Hymns.
- Morning prayers.
- Self-introduction of the family of the deceased.
- Group prayers.
- Readings for the demised.
- Speech for demised by the attendees.
- Blessings.
- Prayers and music.
Different religions and castes have been adopted with different customs and traditions of funerals. So the ones we mentioned above might not match your customs but replace them with your own.
Funeral Ceremony Order of Service Brochure Template
Funeral Order of Service Program in PSD Format
In Loving Memory Funeral Program Template
Funeral Order of Service Outlines & Notes
How to Plan a Funeral Service?
Creating an outline of the funeral service before indulging in crafting a funeral order of service is essential. Plan funeral service right and you will land in structured funeral service of the order. It is an overwhelming process but if you follow these steps, we can ensure you will end up with a good funeral service and your companions would make them right as you plan.
1. Good music.
Open the ceremony with optimistic and pleasant music. Verify the music before playing as it should keep a balance as it is a mourning day you are at; therefore the music should be such as if it is dedicated to the demised and you are offering prayer so the soul rests in peace.
Plan the music to be played while guests come in or at the start of a funeral service. If it is not a religious funeral, you have planned, even then, good music is a great replacement.
2. Readings.
After the basic ritual of the funeral, plan the readings. You can appoint anyone to be the anchor of the ceremony and call out the name from the attendees to say a few words about him/her.
People present at the ceremonial venue some good words about the deceased. Share some good memories and Moments you are the reader has spent with the person.
3. Prayers.
Once the reading is done, arrange for a group prayer. Provide the lyrics of the prayer to the attendees so they would pray along. Engage your guests in the prayer not only because of showing significance but to make them have a soft heart during the ceremony and be with the family person.
4. Candle lighting ceremony.
Often in non-religious funeral ceremonies, the religious customs are replaced with the candle lighting ceremony to offer a prayer and show respect towards the deceased.
5. Close the ceremony.
You may bind the ceremony with a closing prayer or by dedicating a few sweet words for the deceased. It is better if it is the family member to say some last word about the person along with closing music. Through this, the guest would understand that the ceremony is now over and you want to wrap it.
Funeral Program Templates |
Order of service funeral examples |
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Sample funeral program order of service pdf |
Funeral order of service outline |
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Simple Funeral Order of Service Template |
Funeral order of service wording |
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How to Create a Funeral Order of Service Template?
If you build an outline of a funeral of service, half of the work has already been done. Now create the funeral order of service just as you planned. Get the list in hand and start treating the funeral order of the service provider in a printable funeral order of service template or MS Word.
1. The first page.
On the very first page of the funeral order of service, goes the photograph of the demised. Scan a high-quality picture of the demised, it may be the new picture or an old one. It would be better if it is the sole picture of the person and not a whole group since the funeral is in the name of the particular person.
On the same page, include the name of the deceased, along with the date of birth and passing date. You may also specify the number of years he/she lived on the creation. A short message concerning the individual.
2. The second page.
Inside pages of the booklet can be filled with the list of rituals and Customs at the proper time. The major objective of crafting a funeral order of service to let the attendees know of the ritual and its order, which has to be incorporated in a particular manner with the proper timing at the second block.
Inform the attendees of the plan you have made that would include the prayers, the hymns, readings, music, speech, candle lighting, and others. You can even and name the family members of the demised who are associated and have helped arrange the funeral order of service.
3. Third page.
On the next page, add in some good quotations at points dedicating to the deceased. You may also include the prayer that you want other attendees to sing along with. You may also add in some more photographs of the individual and there you can include the best friends of him/her and other relatives.
4. Last page.
In general, a Funeral order of service mostly remains in the parameter of 3 to 4 pages and not more than it. We would advise you to conclude the funeral order of service template within the four pages and on the very last page, share some of the memories or state good quotations and heartfelt wishes to the passed soul.
Distribute the funeral order of service to the one you have invited either through email or by handing over a card. Listing down all the rituals in order along with detailed information of the place is expected in a Funeral order of service.