12+ Sample purchase receipt template- Downloadable in Word PDF Excel format


12+ Sample purchase receipt template- Downloadable In Word, PDF and Excel format: For a buyer’s point of view a purchase receipt is quite important to keep track of their goods or service purchased. At the time of a transaction is executed, seller hands over a printed cash register or a tax invoice, or sometimes even a handwritten receipt to the buyer as a proof of a legitimate transaction. What buyer gets as a ‘Purchase receipt‘ is the ‘Sales receipts’ from a seller’s point of view. This Purchase or Sales receipt is offered to the customer by the seller is a general practice all around the world. If you have just opened a small business or shop and want to give a professional touch to your endeavor then you should have a personalized Purchase/Sales Receipt. Designing a customized purchase receipt template may not be as easy as it seems especially if you do not have a professional designer. To make thing easier for you, we have a vast array of PDF, Word and Excel Purchase Receipts template listed herein which could be easily downloaded and customized according to the business needs.

Sample Purchase Receipt template (Word)

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Cash Purchase Receipt template PDF Download

fdot.gov Cash purchase receipt word document has the details and description of all the items which have been transacted along with total amount paid and tax.
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Important elements of a standard Purchase receipt template:

Depending on the business nature Purchase receipts are designed. Though there could be different types of Purchase receipts but the basic structure and elements of all purchase receipts are same and there would always have these below-mentioned elements in it:

  • Seller’s name/Business: Name of the company who is the seller of the product.
  • Seller’s business Address: Exactly where the business is physically located.
  • Company Logo: A standard Purchase receipt should have a company logo on it.
  • Date of the transaction: There should be a customizable field on the purchase receipt where the transactional date could be entered.
  • Product Description field: Sufficient space where the product description could be easily entered.
  • Amount field: Respective price for all goods purchased.
  • Subtotal/Discount/Tax: All standard purchase receipt should have these important fields where Subtotal amount, Discount of purchase and the taxable amount could be entered.
  • Total: Final purchase amount which buyer should pay to the seller in cash or card.
  • Counterpart of the receipt: Either seller should maintain a carbon copy of the sales receipt or should have a counterpart to issue to the buyer upon transaction is completed. In case of computer generated bill, the seller should take a print of two copy one for himself and other for the buyer as a purchase receipt.

Used Car Sale Receipt PDF Download

This sample Used car purchase receipt could be taken into consideration while making a standard Used care Purchase receipts. Because this receipt has the name and address of the seller along with all important business details. Buyer can also verify and use the checklist to crosscheck if everything is there according to the deal.
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Purchase and Sales Agreement Receipt (PDF)

tinkhamrealty.com This receipt is a classic example that how Purchase and Sales agreement receipt is formed. It has all the important elements of agreement insight, witness, Deed, Agency, Insurence and all other important fields.

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Why asking for a Purchase receipt template:

Well, the basic reason behind asking for a purchase receipt template upon buying any goods by cash is to have legit documents to show that on what you have spent the money. Apart from that, purchase receipt could be a useful instrument to keep track of your expenses. There are multiple receipt apps which let you scan the template and store in your account which you could use later on to find the discount rate, special offer and even can have a throughout track of your expenditure. Some of these apps even offer exclusive deal for their registered member according to their purchase behavior. So asking for a Purchase receipt from the seller would be very beneficial for multiple reasons.

Liquor Store Sales Receipt Template (PDF)

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Example Property Purchase Agreement & Receipt template(PDF)

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