10+ Purchase Request Form Template – Purchase Requisition Word PDF and in Excel Format

Purchase Request Form Template

Understanding Purchase Requisition /Purchase Request Form- What is Purchase Requisition Form? The Purchase Request or Purchase Requisition (“PR”) is an internal document in a business that defines or conveys the need for particular goods or service for the business. As the nature of this document is internal, so there is no involvement of external party and thus it has no contractual relationship with any external business or body. Before initiating any purchase order, A Purchase Requisition form is generated to get the approval from the purchasing authority, reserve or arrange the necessary fund for the goods or service that are going to be ordered in the Purchase order.

Why would any business need Purchase Request or Purchase Requisition form?

When your business starts growing there would be a number of employees and of course plenty of internal works. In order to run office works smoothly, employees would be needing different office suppliers, goods, service etc and for the same, if they need to come to you every time for buying every little stuff, you sure will be blown with works. This is where PO or purchase requisition form comes into play. With the help of this internal document, you can create a purchasing streamlined process to build a organize purchasing system and save yourself a lot of valuable time.

Sample Online Purchase Request Form Template word download

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Purchase Proposal Request Form PDF

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How does Purchase Request Form work?

A business can maintain an offline or online Purchase requisition system. Whenever there’s a necessity for any products or goods, a purchase requisition form is to be filled online or offline with details and specification of purchase following a uniform process. Once the Purchase request form is ready, it should be brought to the authorized manager or department to be signed for approval. Then the PR form should be forwarded to the business owner or the purchasing department who is in control of issuing a purchase order.

What elements should be there in a standard Purchase request or Purchase Requisition form?

According to the business nature, there could be a little bit variation of Purchase request form but the main structure always remains same. These following elements are quite critical for a standard Purchase request or Purchase Requisition form.

A) Requisitioner Info:

  • Requisition date: The day Purchase requisition form is created.
  • Department Name: Department name should be there for keeping the records.
  • Name: Name of the person who creates the PR form.
  • Delivery Location: Delivery location should be clearly mentioned if there are multiple offices/storage/production house.
  • PO# or VISA: Purchase order or Visa Number should be there to have a clean maintenance of accounts.

B) Requisitioner Info:

  • Name: Name of the vendor from whom they want to purchase goods or service.
  • Address: Physical or office address of the suppliers.
  • Phone/Fax Number: To communicate with the supplier there must be communication phone/Fax number to be mentioned on the PR Form.

C) Product Details and Information:

  • Items: Name of the products which are been requested purchasing.
  • Description: Production description should be entered according to the item listed.
  • Quantity: Quantity for the respective item should be there.
  • Unit Price: Unit price for all individual item.
  • Grand Total: Total amount to be paid for purchasing the products/goods.
  • Special Instruction: PR form should have this field if ordering department wants to convey any specific instruction for the suppliers.
  • Signature: Signature field for the person who is creating PO Form.
  • VP Approval/Signature: Signature of the authorized person who is responsible for approving PO form.


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Purchase request Form Format Microsoft Excel



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