Are you thinking of quitting the current school to join another? Do you know what you need to get officially transferred? Whenever students plan to move out of the current school to join any other institution, they require an official notice of authenticity and approval from the school. Such official document provided by the school authority is known as a Transfer certificate which is provided upon being requested by a School Transfer Letter.
The school authority issues the letter of transfer with the consent of the principal of the respected school. The student may ask the principal to issue the certificate after specifying the root cause for applying for transfer certificate. The reason can be anything; if the student does not wish to continue in the school, the principal must issue the certificate after hearing a valid reason from the students or his/her family.
This content is focused on the subject matter of the “School Transfer Certificate” and how to write a School Transfer letter. Here we will be discussing the standard format of a school transfer letter and what are the important things we should follow while crafting a transfer letter. Let’s start with the fundamentals of the topic, and then we will move towards the format and the templates.
Table of Contents
What is a School Transfer Letter application?
When a student wants to transfer his school due to an unavoidable circumstance, he writes the school transfer letter application to the school he’s currently enrolled in. After being thoroughly verified the situation and reason mentioned in the letter, the school authority decides whether a transfer certificate should be issued or not.
Unless there is a significant discrepancy, the school transfer letter application is being accepted most of the cases. Here are some of the important points to keep in my while crafting a school transfer letter.
Things to consider while writing a school transfer letter
- Mention your name and the admission number for quick reference.
- Tentative date by when the certificate should be issued.
- Make it clear the reason for asking the transfer certificate.
- Communication number apart from the general address in case the school authority needs to reach you.
- Close the later with gratitude
Standard School Transfer Letter Format
From Your name To The principal Name (School) (Address) Date……. Sub.: Letter of School Transfer Dear sir/Mam My name is Lilian Gomez (name of the student), and I am a student of (school name that you want to leave). I am hereby writing this letter to request that you allow me to transfer to another school as an unavoidable circumstance has occurred. I have learnt so much in this school, and I will never regret being a part of this prestigious institution. I would like to request a transfer certificate because my father has a new job and my parents are relocating to another city. The new location is quite far from here, and it is impossible to commute from that new city to hear. Therefore, I (with the permission of my parents) thought it would be better if I get admission to a new school close to our home. ***(It is critical to Give a valid reason why you need this transfer) My earnest request that you consider my application and grant me this permission and issue the school transfer certificate. I would be delighted and more than willing to undergo any process required to complete this process. Your earlier action on this matter is highly solicited. (Add a call to action line and Express your gratitude to your letter’s recipient). Yours faithfully, (Student’s full name) (Admission number) |
Formal Letter of School Transfer Certificate

School Transfer Letter to The Principal
A student may write a School Transfer Letter to The Principal when he needs to change the school and take admission to another. As mentioned above, there are different circumstances when a student must apply for a transfer and write the School transfer letter to the Principal or the school authority.

Sample School Transfer Letter in Word

Free School Transfer Letter Erxample
Request Letter for School Transfer
School Transfer Letter for Student

School Transfer Request Letter Sample

School Branch Transfer Request Letter
A student may apply for a school branch transfer if his family is relocating to another place where the school has a different branch.
Commuting to a school which is far from home can be exhausting for students and waste a lot of time travelling. It is better to enrol in a school branch which is near to the house.

What is a School Transfer Certificate?
A school transfer certificate is a documented letter issued by the school authority or the principal approving the “release” of a student from the current school after being the school transfer letter application received by the school authority. It is a form of a letter and certificate provided while moving out of the institution. Without the certificate, a student would not be able to get admission in any other academic institution.
Thus, it is considered to be an important document for a student. The school must be responsible for drafting a good certificate template for filling in the details. It must be professional and have a good outlook as the same document will be presented to other schools by the transferred students.
When is a school transfer certificate issued?
- The time when a student decides to leave the school and join another institution, the school becomes responsible for issuing the certificate to the student. It may be because of any reason. But, for the sake of sincerity and respect towards the school, a student must provide a valid and logical reason to the principal.
- The student may take the transfer for a sudden shift to a new city or any place. If the school does not issue the letter, the student won’t get admitted to any other schools or high schools.
- If they find the current school a little weird and uncomfortable, they can ask for the certificate.
- Apart from the general cases, sometimes the school deliberately handovers the certificate to the student. It happens when the school decides to release the student from the school due to any misbehave and weird act. Though it happens quite rarely, still the school gets the strength to take action against any wrong act.
What Are The Important Elements of a Transfer Certificate?
While drafting a transfer certificate, the template must contain the following details. Nearly every school and an institution make a template beforehand. When in need, they fill the blocks with the details and issue the certificate in the student’s name. If you are a staff working in the office of a school, you must know the process of how to draft templates. Here we list the elements required to be in the letter.
- Name of the School
- Address
- Brief details about the school (optional)
- Serial No (No. of certificates been issued since first)
- Admission/Registration number
- Name of the Student
- Nationality
- Name of the guardian
- Address of the Student
- Date of Admission
- Date of Leaving the school
- Reason for transfer
- Place of Transfer
- The standard or class the student is in.
- Stream of education
- General Conduct
- Any Remarks
- Date of Birth
- Date of issue of the certificate
- Signature of Head of the School or Principal
Mention the elements while drafting the template of Letter of transfer from the school. You may skip or add extra details concerning the approach of the student till the period of continuation. The format of a transfer certificate is not the same for all schools, but the components or the details regarding the student and tenure at the school are compulsory. To make it better to understand, here we provide a sample letter of the school transfer.
How to Make a Request to the School for Issuing the Transfer Certificate?
On What Ground a School Should Agree to Issue a Transfer Certificate?
This article would feed the demand of both the student and the school. As we have also mentioned the points that needs to be touched by the students to write an application letter to the Principal requesting her/him to issue the transfer letter.
Read this section to know the grounds that must be fulfilled by the students to get approval from the school.
For students: Students who desire to move out of their current school need to write an application letter dedicating to the Principal of the school or the authority. The letter must contain the reasons and other details regarding the transfer. After you submit the letter to the office, if it fulfils the criteria, only then you would receive the transfer certificate.
But, before writing a letter asks yourself. Do I really know the most effective way of writing an application? If yes, then its well and good. If no, then no worries at all. Here are the guidelines to follow while drafting an effective letter.
Besides the students, it is also a message to the schools to know the criteria to be fulfilled by the students before approval. The schools need to maintain their integrity and law in and out.
A Valid reason for transfer: Remember to state a valid reason in the letter. It would not be effective, if you make up a reason on your won. The principals are smart enough to identify your lie. So, strictly follow the rules and provide the actual reason for the transfer. It is a wrong concept that if the truth is spoken, the school may not issue the letter. But this is not the case in real life.
(A thing to be noted, the letter can also be applied by the guardian of the student. Many schools accept the parents’ application as the chance of effectiveness and accuracy is more in that case).
The pleasant line of the Request: Take care of the tone you are using into the application. Remember. It is an application letter where you are requesting the receiver to issue the certificate. So, try to make it pleasant and good to sound. Proofread before giving the letter to the school. Along with that state, why it is so vital for you to make the transfer.
Character Certificates: Besides the transfer letter, you may appeal to issue a character certificate. Usually, the certificates are provided without request but since it is a matter of transfer, you may ask for it. A character or morale certificate plays a great role in speeding up the admission process. Other school where the student will approach would be impressed by seeing the morale certificates issued by the school itself.
Additional Documents: If you are planning to move to any foreign country, their rules of admission may differ from the schools of your country. In such a case, after having detailed information from the prospective school, you can ask the school for such documents. The school or institutions where your child will be joining if demands some additional documents must request to the school for additional assistance.
Date of Moving out: Many a time the student party is in a hurry to move out of the city. In such circumstance, the student or the parent may include the date on which they are mobbing out. Or else the date within which the student needs all the documents.
Signature of the parents or the Guardian: This is the must block in the letter of application. Even if the parents themselves are drafting the letter, hey must keep a column of a signature at the end. This signature would define the authenticity and the accuracy of the letter.
So, we have learned the prior steps of issuing the letter of transfer. Now, we will come to the actual mode of explaining the details regarding the transfer certificate that will be issued by the school.
(name of the school) (Affiliated to …) (Address of the school) TRANSFER CERTIFICATE T.C.Serial NO. Admission/registration NO. This is to certify that (name of the student) son/Daughter of (name of the parents)…(address of the student) was admitted into this school on the (date) on a transfer from(former school name) and left on (date of leaving) with a good character. He/she was then studying in (grade) class of the (name of the stream), the school year being from (date of the year, the student left with) to (year of an end). His/Her date of birth to the Admission Register is (in figures)…(in words). Permission has been. (Granted/declined) Date …(date of issue) Signature………(Head of the school or the Principal) |
Teacher School Transfer Letter
There might be instances when a teacher may request a transfer letter in case he/she wants to change school, or the got a better job opportunity in the public sector school.

Elementary School Transfer Request Letter in MS WORD & PDF

Ready Made Elementary School Transfer Request Form

Fillable School Transfer Letter Sample

We hope you understood the concept and facts related to the School Transfer letter & certificate. It is a two-step process. First, the student has to write a letter of request, and then the second step is to be followed by the school i.e., the issue of a school transfer certificate.
Generally, the templates are drafted in Microsoft Word. One can also draft the template in any of their application. Most people prefer Word as it is easier and are well familiar to large numbers of people.