38+ Useful Risk Analysis Templates | FREE PDF, Excel, Docs

Identifying the potential risk in a business ensures informed decisions. Based on them, further actions are exerted for a business plan. This is why it is important to identify the elements of risk. Before initiating a business plan or a new project ahead, multiple analysis is done, within which the risk analysis stands as the major one. This process encourages the business to identify possible threats against which they could take stratagems. The strategic outline could also be a precautionary move.

Possibly, two measures of threats come in the way while analyzing the risks. The first possibility is the existence of the risk or the possible threat that could come in a way, and the second one only stands if the first one subsists. Once the risk is identified, what could be its negative impact on the business operations.

What is a Risk Analysis Template?

A risk analysis is a structured document used to identify the potential risk in any business. It further examines the cause of the risk, and the negative repercussions the business might face.

Identifying the risk or the risk assessment is not the only objective of the risk analysis template. It equally has its motive towards measuring the percentage of the intensity or negativity it could have in the business. It has to be identified to prevent the same. The analysis of risk would be a success, only if the possible risk is identified, the elements of risk are recognized, the cause of risk is known, and possibly the influence it would have on the business productivity.

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The Practical Approach and Steps to Conduct Risk Analysis

In a risk analysis template, the elements of risk, its causes, intensity, and its percentage of impact in the business are incorporated, the risk analysis template is formatted in an organizational chart that lines down each information concerning the risk and its effect on the business individually. While preparing the risk analysis template, these are the following columns and heads you need to prepare it.

1. Identified risk.

The risk identified is firstly included in a column of the risk analysis template.

2. Category.

The risk is always of a certain category. Therefore category that could be box is written in the analysis template. The categorization helped the business frame individual preventive measures to deal with them.

3. Description of the risk.

A proper description of the risk is required in a risk analysis template so the readers understand the depth of it. A detailed description concerning the risk identified is therefore mentioned in the risk analysis template.

4. Cause of risk.

There must exist a reason which is why there is a possibility of risk or threat in the business. Without the reason, no individual would be able to find the measures to prevent it. This is why with the identification of the risk the identification, the cause of it is equally essential. The reasons could be internal which is a business-driven risk. On the other hand, it could be an external risk as well.

5. Risk probability.

How probable is the risk for the business is mentioned in the risk analysis template? The more the probability the more would be the impact of it. It clearly defines the range of the risk and the anticipation of the arrival.

6. Risk impact and rating.

Besides the cause of risk and its probability the risk analysis template constitutes the impact, it would have on business efficiency. The business must have a project to begin with or any event for which the risk analysis is done. Therefore the business needs to comprehend the impact the risk could cause on the business or the initiative was taken. Depending on the risk influence and rating further, decisions are taken.

7. Resources influenced.

The team assigned to look after the risk analysis has the responsibility to lay down the resources that could get affected by the rest. It could be a loss of human resources, decrease in sales, low customer loyalty, etc. The reason could be any and the resource as well if you are provided the responsibility to line down these things do not overlook the resources. The specific details of the resources help the team to anticipate with accuracy.

8. Control measures.

The strategies developed to keep the risk at bay are preventive measures. This column lines down the actions to be taken to control the risk and constrain it from affecting the business.

These are some Essential elements included in a risk analysis template. Many business entities go deeper into the risk analysis and therefore include the name of the individuals assigned to look for the matter, the responsibility, the date of actions, desired result. It enables the business to measure the risk management process on the same sheet only.

Risk Assessment Template

Risk Assessment Form

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Risk Assessment Matrix Template

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Changeable Risk Analysis Template


When a Business Begins the Risk Analysis?

Any business in requirement of risk identification runs a process to examine the possibility of threats in the business. It practically takes place before commencing a new business plan, initiating a project, introducing government policy, and other technological foundations. If you are in a business, on the occurrence of these scenarios, you could implement the risk analysis process.

1. Before settling a business plan.

When a business works on new planning with a new perspective and approach, it rightly analyzes the possible threats and opportunities. When the business plan would be implemented, it would create a field in the industry. As it gets launched in the trade, it is subjected to opportunities, growth, and likewise threats or risk.

Therefore, before setting up a business plan, a business runs the risk analysis to be known of the risk. Knowing the risk enables the business to understand the possible ground and how it would affect the entity later. Accordingly, they would move forward to the decision-making whether or not to initiate the business plan implementation.

2. Accepting a project.

Before sealing a deal with the client, the team forecast the possible threats that the acceptance of the project could bring in the business. The business team forecast if it would be safe to move forward with the project. If it seems favorable meaning there is no such risk that could affect the business for the long term, then they would seal the deal with the client.

If your business has recently been proposed to collaborate with other business entities for a team project, then make sure to drive a risk analysis to play a safe move. It would not only make the business aware of the possible risk or threat but also show the other side of the coin which is the opportunities and the growth.

3. Event planning.

When a business needs to arrange an event due to several reasons in the count, they do the planning. Chalking out the arrangements in the event includes the risk analysis as well. An event irrespective of digital or physical could be dominated by technical glitches, inefficient human resources, natural issues, theft, or equipment failure. The occurrence of these possible hindrances at the time of the event is not what the business would imagine. Therefore before planning an event while the planning is in the process, make sure the business runs quick risk analysis and creates the risk analysis template out of it to keep the physical issues at bay.

4. Introduction of new government policy.

The government entities preparing to precede a new government obligation covers the risk analysis officially. Being a responsible organization, the government companies make sure they comprehend the possible threats and the risk that could influence the entire citizens of the country.
A sudden decision about something is not agreeable to every citizen. Therefore, to know the reaction, the government needs to analyze the percentage of acceptance and the percentage of non-acceptance. Based on the proportion, it appears to be favorable, the government decides to introduce the same.

Many times in the government decision history, few introductions of policies have initiated major breakdown and chaos. It happens even when the risk analysis is done. It could be because the policy was crucial to maintain an obligate relationship with foreign countries or for the corporal well-being as well.

5. Prior to planning a product launch.

The industrial environment is quite uncertain. The atmosphere the business has envisioned 4 months before could not be the same now. Therefore, the business before taking any plan forward runs a quick analysis.
Within any number of analyses, risk analysis is one of them. Like for launching the product in the market, the business needs to see if the time is accurate or not. During the time of production, the market might have seemed favorable, but due to inflation or deflation, the economic ground might not be the best to launch the product. If the risk is analyzed, the business takes a pause and postpones the launch.

The aforementioned lineups are structural and specific to the business. Besides these, there are other initiatives as well like going scuba diving, dealing with high voltage equipment, trading with unfamiliar people, bringing sensitive topics on board, etc.


Example Risk Assessment Matrix

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Flood Risk Assessment Template


Resistance Risk Analysis Template

Resistance Risk Analysis Template


What are the Different Kinds of Risk Analysis Templates Used?

In a business sector, different areas looked after different divisions of the business. Each department has a responsibility and works to fulfill it. And any department with the responsibility has a risk. If we look into the matter it is quite understandable that every step taken by a business house has a risk involved in it that needs to be identified and obstructed. The hindrance could impact the business in a great percentage and therefore bring a loss. There are different kinds of risk analysis templates used in business to prevent any issues or threats.

1. Project management Risk Analysis Template.

Defining a process is an important step in project management. The role of the leader is to manage the project and wrap it up within the deadline. Similarly, the leader is responsible to include the project management risk analysis template in the methodology, before beginning with it. Other members of the team might follow the same as the leader suggested.

So if you are a leader of a project in a business then before commencing with it ask your members to operate the project management risk analysis and join your hands in it as well.

2. Security risk analysis template.

The security risk analysis template is no different than the real objective of the risk analysis. It is run to safeguard the business interest and its subjection to financial and non-financial risk. Is subjected to several kinds of risk and some of them are not even known to the owners. Therefore while binding the safety of the risk, having a glance at the security risk analysis template would help.

3. Quantitative risk analysis template.

The quantitative risk analysis template identifies the risk of a project overall. It covers all the sections in a project that could initiate a risk. Therefore when your team leader asks you to build a quantitative risk analysis template then you must know that you have been assigned to cover all the angles of the project and analyze the risk accordingly.

It is a numeric estimate that provides the probability of project success.

4. Qualitative risk analysis template.

Unlike quantitative risk analysis, qualitative risk analysis is more subjective. It reads the probability of risk and its impact. In a qualitative risk analysis template, you might find the terms-” Low”, “Medium”, and “High”. These terms are used to assess the scale of risk. It is a great method to let other members easily comprehend the impact of the risk.

5. Software risk analysis template.

The software risk analysis is usually an intense analysis done since the impact of it is quite high. Generally, the software risk analysis measures the accuracy of the code and then identifies the risk it could have if there are some violations in it. If there goes something wrong in the coding of the software then what resources it would have the impact on. It evaluates the code, the rest of the code, and the risk it would have in the applications used.

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Risk Analysis Templates (Excel)

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